Statement of the problem

1.2. Statement of the problem

Tomatoes production in Buea- Mile 16 is getting unstable since the Anglophone crises is caused distraction to local and national government about marketing system and food crop production in Buea. 

Tomatoes is not only a stable vegetable food in Cameroon, but it is also considered an Economic safety net as much of it is often exported and consumed in different parts of Cameroon Value adding base on the production due to the nature of tomatoes which are not resistance in terms of longitivity Challenged by inefficient production and storage technology, price uncertainty, risk aversion or urgent need for cash among others. 


As a consequence, some farmers wanting to avoid potential shocks might opt for early sales at very low prices. This eventually undermines their incomes and financial security as they often end up purchasing vegetable during the rainy period at higher rates. Others might decide to hold large stock until the following planting period and would often be compelled to sell seeds of a poorer quality at very low prices due to pest attack and weakly nature of seed. This equally leads to low returns and low profitability to the farmer caring out tomatoes farming. According to this situation aggravates the already challenging low vegetable availability, low agricultural incomes and limited market opportunities for small scale

farmers who are yet net deficit grain producers. Ideally, tomatoes would be stored in sufficient quantities to cover the food and financial needs of a farm household between harvest and lean periods, but the diversity of

risks a small-scale farmer is compelled to manage could greatly influence

storage decisions and practices 


1.3. Research question

1.3.1. Main research question

·        What are the effects of post-Harvest   challenges of tomatoes production on small holders’ Farmers in Buea-Mile 16 Community?

1.3.2. Specific research questions

·        What are the challenges of post-harvest on tomatoes production on small holders’ farmers in Buea-Mile 16 Community?

·        What are the factors affecting post-harvest in tomatoes production in Buea-Mile 16 Community?

·        To what extent has post-harvest challenges on tomatoes production on small holders’ farmers in Mile 16 and how to overcome the problems?

1.4. Objectives of the study

1.4.1. Main objective

To examine the challenges of post-harvest of tomatoes production by smallholders’ farmers in Mile 16 Community.




1.4.2. The specific objectives

·        To investigate the tomatoes production methods by small holders in Mile 16 Community.

·        To identify major challenges faced by smallholder farmers from tomatoes harvest in Mile 16 Community.

·        To suggest methods to mitigate the post-harvest risk effects on farmers production in Mile 16 Community.

1.5. Hypotheses

1.5.1. The null hypothesis is:

Post-harvest challenges of tomatoes have significance effects on tomatoes production by smallholder’s farmers in Buea-Mile 16 Community. 

1.5.2. The alternative hypothesis is:

Post-harvest challenges have the effects on of tomatoes production by smallholder farmers in Buea-Mile 16 Community.

1.6. Scope and justification

1.6.1. Scope of the study


Content scope

Within the Buea-mile 16 Municipality, most of agricultural products include the following; (cabbaage, maize, tomatoes, vegetables, etc.,) but the study will be limited to a specific type of crop which is tomatoes produce in the delimited areas and also focus on farmers carrying out or practicing tomatoes farming with in the Mile 16 municipality. This study doesn’t include residential areas within Mile 16 Community and focus more on tomatoes producing areas within the Mile 16 municipality.




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